Monday, November 22, 2010

September 2010

Lots pf firsts happening...bath, smiles, meeting great granny. We, minus Jonathan, took a trip to Kentucky to see family. It was a lot of fun but traveling with two young children alone was too much.
Catherine really enjoys watching herself in home videos.

August 2010

I've got a lot of pictures to post. I can't believe how hard it is to find time these days to do anything other than work, hang out with the family, and keep the house clean. Whew!
Catherine has been so great adjusting to being a big sister. She has her moments but few and far between. She is such a big helper around the house and with James.
James is growing way too fast. And he is such a happy baby. We are truly blessed by our children.
Jonathan is busy with the residency, working most weekends as well. We will all be glad when it's over and he can spend more time at home with us.
I have returned to work after 9 weeks off. James didn't get into daycare with Catherine so we had to take an extra week to find a nanny. The nanny has started and I love not having to take him anywhere in the mornings. We have kept Catherine in daycare because of the learning and social interactions. And she loves her friends there.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Late Introduction of James Thomas Hardy

Sorry for the late posting. We've been adjusting to life as a family of four. So here's the story of James Thomas.
I had already stopped work due to lack of energy and discouraged that I was going past the point at which Catherine had come (39 weeks). My mother was gracious enough to come at the beginning of August to help with Catherine and house stuff. It was my due date and I had an appointment with my provider. At that appointment I still had not progressed beyond 2cm. I had not really had many contractions previously. However, I went to bed around 10pm and contractions began shortly thereafter. They weren't regular at all. But as they did not go away with anything by 3:30am, we decided it was time to go to the hospital. Once there, we waited for a good hour before any doctor ever came to check me. A resident was hesitant to say that I was 4cm but luckily a nurse got another more experienced provider to verify the progress. I was admitted and quickly got an epidural. They're great! At one point I wasn't progressing quickly enough. Another time the doctor thought that James was having heart decelerations. However, once reviewed again it was just that the monitor was not picking up his heart beat consistently and I was ready to push. Just a few contractions later and our little boy had arrived.
He was born at 10:58am at 9lb 2oz, 21.5in.
And 32 hours from getting to the hospital we were released to go home as a family of four.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Inflatable Slide Party

Shortly after we moved in we decided to have the residents and their families over for a cookout at our new home. We rented an inflated bouncer and water slide. The kids had a great time. Catherine was able to enjoy it for a while before all the kids came over, and Jonathan too.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

36 weeks

I don't think I've posted any pics of me with the baby bump. Here I am (tonight). I have been having a lot of pain especially when I walk, move, etc. My doctor said that I'm barely dilated and James is not fully engaged. But he is head down and has been for the past month. Heartburn still is plaguing me despite the maximum dose of Zantac I can take. His room is nearly ready. The crib hasn't come in yet though. Running a bit more behind this time around. It will all work out though.

Random July Pics

Here's a compilation of the past few weeks.

Catherine ready for Sunday morning. She was posing for me at different places throughout the house.

Squatting down like I was. Too funny.

"I think it's time to go to church"

Lobster hands!

Completely zonked. She didn't wake up and I was making lots of noise picking up toys around her.

Rummaging through the pantry for a snack or finding a good hiding place?

Caught in the toy box

She loves playing in there.

First look at her new toy box. She loves it!!

Catherine and Jonathan after eating chocolate chip cookies. She was a mess.