I started having contractions as soon as Jonathan left for work on Monday morning at 6:45am. I didn't think too much of them other than they were more intense than ever before. They were not at all regular and were 15 minutes or more apart. By 9am Jonathan called to check on me and all I could say was "Come home now". He rushed home and then rushed me to the hospital all the while having contractions with no relief at this point. By 10am I was already 7cm dilated. (Mind you on Friday I was 4 cm). Within another 20 minutes or so I was 9-10cm and was begging for an epidural. I really do think the epidural slowed the progression of labor down because for another 1 and 1/2 hours I was pushing her head through the pelvis. Then all of the sudden my nurse said "ok don't push anymore." I could tell that Catherine only needed one more push and she would be delivered. However, my doc was in the middle of a c-section and the standby was at the office down the street. So I really did have to shut my legs to keep her in. Once the doc arrived all it took was one push and she was completely out.
Catherine Renee was born at 1:40pm on Jan 12. She weighed 7 lbs 12 oz and was 20.5 inches. She is doing great. She does have a heart murmur but that was checked and there are no problems. She has lost about 10 oz so far so we are to see the dr tomorrow as a follow up.
Jonathan was wonderful at the hospital. He changed all of the diapers and got up at each cry as I am still in a lot of pain from a severe tear. I'm really tired but working on that. We all are so happy to be healthy and at home.
Here are some pics from the past few days.