Here are some random pictures from this month. Sorry I've been behind in things. It has been a very busy month. Catherine seems to be hanging on to this congestion and constantly has a snotty nose. Jonathan has something like it too. He went to DC for a training for a week recently. While he was gone my mom came down to help us out. Catherine really enjoyed hanging out with Grandma. She even woke up early to play with her everyday. Lucky me! My little koala bear. Loves to be like dad. She can fit her fist in her mouth. Getting ready for a nap with her bunny. She loves chewing on clothes.
We drove to TN this past weekend. This was her first trip and she did great. She slept the entire time and we stopped only to feed her and ourselves. She did wonderful being in a new place and different crib too. We are so lucky.
Chatting with Papa David She likes to be flown up and down in her seat Wiped out Holding her feet. She just rolled over too!! Fell asleep in Nanna's lap. Easter Sunday
We've been trying to get pictures made for a while now. This was our second shot at getting pictures. She did not cooperate the first time we took her in. She'll be 3 months next week.